Cycling Route Around the Tatras

If you are wondering how to combine active and healthy recreation with discovering unknown places and unique monuments, admiring magnificent landscapes and natural diversity, then we invite you to join us on the historical-cultural-natural trail around the Tatras. Today, thanks to the implementation of nearly 200 km of bike paths with cycling infrastructure, people and tourists can visit the Polish-Slovak border area on bicycles, discover the unique qualities and unusual places of this region.

The idea of a historical-cultural-natural trail around the Tatras started in 2004, when the project was initiated by the Tatra Euroregion. It is carried out in stages. The complete project involves the creation of a loop trail around the Tatra Mountains with more than 250 km of cycling, skiing and cross-country skiing trails. They lead through charming areas around the Tatras, where unique sites are concentrated, among others, 15 historical objects inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, wooden architecture, folk art, living folklore, old town complexes, castles and fortresses, and wooden and Orthodox churches as well as places of natural significance that are an integral part of the landscape.

In 2014–2015, the first stage of the investment was implemented under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme PL-SK 2007-2013. 13 local governments from Poland and Slovakia (Gmina [Municipality of] Czarny Dunajec [lead partner], City of Nowy Targ, Gmina Nowy Targ, Municipality of Szaflary, City of Trstená, Obec [Municipality of] Suchá Hora, Obec Hladovka, Obec Liesek, Obec Nižná, City of Liptovský Mikuláš, City of Kežmarok, Obec Huncovce and Obec Vrbov) were involved in the project. At that time, almost 100 km of bike paths were created, including a 35 km long cross-border section built on the embankment of the former railway line from the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Historic railway bridges were renovated, which now are used by cyclists along the Route. There were created 15 rest places for cyclists, and a free park and ride car park was built in Czarny Dunajec next to the intersection of voivodeship roads 958 and 957.

The second phase of the investment was implemented in 2016–2018 as a flagship project of the Interreg V-A PL-SK 2014-2020 Programme. 10 partners from Poland and Slovakia participated in this project, i.e.: European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TATRY, City of Nowy Targ, Municipality of (Gmina) Szaflary, Municipality (Gmina) of Nowy Targ, Municipality (Gmina) of Łapsze Niżne, Mesto (City of) Kežmarok, Mesto Spišská Belá, Mesto Stará Ľubovňa, Mesto Liptovský Mikuláš, Mesto Trstená. Another 60 km of bike paths, 14 new rest stops for cyclists and a free P+R car park were built. On the Polish side, the continuation of the Route leads from the city of Nowy Targ eastwards through the municipality (gmina) of Szaflary, the municipality (gmina) of Nowy Targ, the municipality (gmina) of Łapsze Niżne to the border crossing of Kacwin-Wielka Frankowa. Thus, in Poland a complete main section of the Trail around the Tatra Mountains with a length of over 70 km has already been created, leading from the border with Slovakia in Chochołów to the border in Kaciwna. On the Slovak side, the partners built new sections of bike paths from the village of Zdziar towards Tatranská Kotlina and Spišská Belá, and further to Kežmarok, in Liptovský Mikuláš, Trsten and a section of Hniezdne-Stara Ľubovňa. These complement the nearly 100 km of bike paths built as part of Stage I of the project.

The third stage of the investment (2019–2020), which received co-financing from the Interreg V-A Poland-Slovakia Programme, involves the construction of a further 26 km of bike paths, including the construction of new sections on the Polish side leading to tourist attractions (e.g., towards Gorce in Obidowa). Above all, the emphasis has been placed on the development of the cycling infrastructure including, e.g., the renovation of historical buildings such as the former railway station on the trail route in the municipality (gmina) of Czarny Dunajec, which will now become a service centre and multifunctional rest zone for cyclists. The bike paths of the Cycling Route Around the Tatras provide safe sightseeing and ecological leisure activities for whole families with children. They are used not only by cyclists, but also by skaters, trailskiers, trailskaters, and runners, and in winter they are used as cross-country skiing routes. In addition to the main asphalt loop trails around the Tatra Mountains, there are also additional routes, connecting routes and thematic loops trails, e.g., the loop trail around the peat bogs of Czarny Dunajec and the connecting trail leading towards the Gorce mountains, which add variety to the bicycle tours.

Get into the Tatras! Take a turn through the Trail around the Tatras!

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