St. Kinga

Obraz przedstawiający wizerunek Św. Kingi
Naprawdę miała na imię Kunegunda. Kinga to zdrobnienie tego imienia, które przyjęło się w Polsce. Patronka Polski i Litwy, górników solnych z Bochni i Wieliczki. W Wieliczce 100 metrów pod ziemią ma swoją kaplicę. Pod koniec życia związana ze Starym Sączem.
The patron saint of Poland and Lithuania (1234–92) she was the daughter of King Bela IV of Hungary and was married to Prince Boleslaw the Chaste of Krakow. According to legend, she brought in her dowry the Hungarian salt discovered in Wieliczka and Bochnia. She took the vow of chastity in marriage and as a widow in 1280 joined the Convent of the Poor Clares, which she had established in Stary Sącz. She died and was buried there. Canonized by Pope John Paul II, she is remembered on her feast day on July 24.

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