
Drewniany kościół o jasnych ścianach i ciemnym dachu, z wieżą. Przy nim kilka drzew oraz drewniane ogrodzenie na kamiennej podmurówce. W tle widać góry.
The village in the commune of Nowy Targ. It is located in the Orawsko-Nowotarska Valley on the Dunajec River, at the foot of the Gorce Mountains.
Its buildings stretch along the Łopuszanka stream, deep into the Gorce Mountains. Some settlements, such as, e.g. Zarębek Wyżni and Koszary Łopuszańskie, are situated high on the slopes of the Gorce Mountains and isolated from the rest of the village. From the village, we have the excellent views of the Tatra mountains, not only from highly situated Zarębek Wyżni but also from the settlements in the Łopuszanka Valley. The attractive situation of the village and its accommodation infrastructure make it a good starting point to explore the Gorce Mountains. Two tourist routes start here: 
- blue route – from Łopuszna via Bukowina Waksmundzka and Świderowa Clearing to Turbacz, 
- black route – from Łopuszna next to Pucołowski Stawek to the junction with the red route on Zielenica Clearing. 

The main attraction of the village is the 15th-century Gothic the Holy Trinity and St. Anthony the Abbot wooden church. In Łopuszna, there is also a manor, the so-called Tetmajer Manor of ca. 1790 (rebuilt in the late 19th century), which for some time belonged to Leon Przerwa-Tetmajer. The manor is currently a branch of the Tatrzańskie Museum and accommodates the ethnographical museum. The village is situated on the Małopolska Wooden Architecture Route. It is Łopuszna, where Rev. Józef Tischner grew, attended school and celebrated his first mass. Tischner often walked along the blue route from Łopuszna to the Papal Chapel on Turbacz. Every year, on the second Sunday of August, in the chapel on Turbacz he celebrated Holy Mass for the “people of the mountains”.


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