Łącko apples

Red Łącko apples hanging on a tree
The horticulture in Łącko has a long tradition. According to historical sources, the cultivation of fruit was known as early as in the 12th century. Dried apples were floated down the Dunajec River to the Vistula River and further to Gdańsk, from where they were transported by water to other European countries.
The distinct flavour and aroma of Łąckie apples come from the microclimate of the Łącka Valley. Most of the fruit obtained in the Łącko region is characterised by exceptional juiciness, aroma and firmness of the flesh. The shape of the fruit depends on the variety. Their red colour is clearly more vivid than that of apples from other regions. Most of the orchards are located on slopes of about 15 degrees, which creates the best distribution of annual temperatures and drainage of excess water. According to a local legend, the development of horticulture is due to two parish priests. The first of them required brides who made an announcement to ensure that at least ten new fruit strains would be planted. The second, on the other hand, ordered his parishioners to make amends for each grave sin, instead of Hail Maries, by planting one apple tree as part of penance after confession. There were a lot of sinners, because several hundred thousand trees, mainly apple and plum trees, bloom in Łąck every year. In 2010, Łąckie apples received the EU certificate of a protected product. They can be grown in the area of communes: Łącko, Podegrodzie and Stary Sącz in the Nowy Sącz poviat and the Łukowica commune in the Limanowa poviat.


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