Kościelisko on the Film Set

Zdjęcie przedstawiające jedną z ulic Kościeliska zimową porą.
Kocie ślady [Cat’s Paws], Trzecia granica [The Third Border], Ród Gąsieniców [The Gąsienica Family], Ekstradycja 2 [Extradition 2], Brat Elvis [Brother Elvis], Jeszcze raz [Once More] – the scenes of these Polish films and TV series were shot on the Route.
The route starts near the House of the People, which constitutes the cultural and historical centre of Kościelisko. The building was erected in the 1930s; shortly before the war, in 1939, it hosted the Podhale Convention.
The route leads farther through Rysulówka and Roztoki, where the hum of the Czarny Dunajec River can be heard; marching down the asphalt road through Groń, we go through the forest and reach the Kościeliska Valley. Before entering the valley, we turn left and go down the pavement along ul. Strzelców Podhalańskich. The aforementioned places have also been used by filmmakers.

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