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Tarnów and the surrounding area

Tarnów and the surrounding area

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This is the junction of VeloDunajec, EuroVelo4 and EuroVelo11 which enables cyclists to continue their journey to different parts of Małopolska.

Sights worth seeing:

  • Tarnów

Tarnów is the Polish hot-spot. The town boasts the warmest climate in Poland thanks to its location on the Carpathian Foothills. Thermal summer, i.e. the period when the average daily temperature is above 15 degrees, lasts here from 114 to 118 days. Tarnów has as many as 55 cloudless days.

Within the terrain of Tarnów more and more good biking infrastructure is created, as well as attractive places for cyclists, from the increasing number of municipal bicycle paths to the Marcinka Bike Park, which is a system of routes prepared for MTB cyclists on the slope of the Mountain of St. Martin.

  • The border post in Biskupice Radłowskie which dates back to 1450 (it marked the border of church estates and is the oldest object of its kind in Poland)
  • Muzeum Witosa (Witos Museum) in Wierzchosławice
  • Wały Kasztelańskie (Castellan Ramparts) - earthwork fortifications dating back to the 11th century, rising above the old riverbed of the Dunajec (Wojnicz)
  • The observation tower in Dąbrówka Szczepanowska

The Dunajec Valley is the only region in Poland where the Climbing French bean is still being grown on a large scale. Characteristic of this region, the ‘Piękny Jaś’ bean is entered in the List of Traditional Products.


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