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Airports in Kraków Fortress

Airports in Kraków Fortress

Lotnisko w Rakowicach
Several military airports were created on the territory of the Danube Monarchy in order to meet the demands of the growing air force of the Royal-Imperial Austro-Hungary, including the stronghold airport in Kraków Fortress. It was established in 1912 on the area of 55 hectares purchased from the Dominican brothers, and located east of the Uhlan barracks in Rakowice, Kraków. The Austrian headquarters established there Flugpark 7 (airpark) with the entire operational base.

Photographic evidence shows that another airfield, located in the vicinity of Wawel Hill, on Błonie Park, also operated in Kraków in 1914. First flights took off from the airfield in 1914.

During the First World War airplanes operating from the Rakowice airport played an important logistical role: Austro-Hungary provided mail services to the besieged Przemyśl Fortress, made reconnaissance, coordinated artillery fire, attacked the Russian forces, as well as fought aerial duals with tsar airplanes. In 1917 Kraków was incorporated into the regular airmail line between Vienna – Kraków – Lemberg – Kiev, later extended to Odessa. This airmail line operated efficiently until the fall of the Royal-Imperial Monarchy.